7 de abril de 2010

No sabías que Kubrick también actuaba

Sobre la obsesión de Kubrick con el ajedrez dice Jeremy Bernstein en la New York Review of Books:

S. Kubrick y George C. Scott jugando al ajedrez
durante el rodaje de Dr. Strangelove

Our first meeting was at the Hotel Dorchester in London where he was temporarily living with his family. Kubrick brought out a chess set and beat me promptly. Then we played three more games and he beat me less promptly. But I won the fifth game! Seizing the moment I told him that I had been hustling him and had deliberately lost the first four games. His response was that I was a patzer. All during the filming of 2001 we played chess whenever I was in London and every fifth game I did something unusual. Finally we reached the 25th game and it was agreed that this would decide the matter. Well into the game he made a move that I was sure was a loser. He even clutched his stomach to show how upset he was. But it was a trap and I was promptly clobbered. “You didn’t know I could act too,” he remarked.

1 comentario:

Rocky Balblogger dijo...

Enhorabuena por el blog, Mr. B. Los amantes del ajedrez de los cinco continentes te lo agradecerán.